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Lesson details

Not all manual handling tasks have risks but some, often tasks involving heavy items, do. With these heavy tasks comes a higher risk to safety, in fact, injuries due to manual handling are the most common injuries suffered by workers across all workplaces, and in all industries; with 55% of all work-related injury claims being due to manual handling.

What you'll learn in the Common manual handling hazards and consequences lesson

  • What makes a manual handling task hazardous
  • Potential consequences for individuals and businesses when tasks are handled incorrectly

Who the WHS - Manual handling course is for

This online course is essential for anyone who works in an environment where they are required to lift, move, push or pull one or more objects.


Luke Croston

Luke Croston is a culinary expert and innovator, currently in Equipment Innovation at ProcessDynamics, blending his culinary experience with a focus on advancing food production methods.

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