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Lesson details

One of the distinguishing features of a good bartender is attention to detail. This is especially important when it comes to measuring cocktail ingredients. A little extra here or a little less there can completely alter your recipe, while also making it difficult for your manager to keep track of stock.

In this online lesson with World Class recognized bartender Charlie Ainsbury, you will learn how to measure cocktails and become familiar with the tools that will help you get the perfect shake every time.

What you'll learn in the How to measure cocktails lesson

  • Why measuring all ingredients in a cocktail matters
  • The impact of incorrect measuring on the drink and the bar
  • The essential measuring tools for bartenders

Who the Bartending for beginners course is for

Servers and beginner bartenders, sharpen your skills behind the bar with pointers from the world’s best!


Charlie Ainsbury

Charlie Ainsbury is a world-class recognized bartender and the co-owner of an award-winning spritz and cocktail bar in Sydney. He was twice named Australian Bartender of the Year.

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