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Lesson details

When working in a restaurant, it’s important to learn proper table clearing etiquette. When exercised with confidence, it shows guests that you are a dedicated professional and it ensures you don't intrude on their dining experience.

Because clearing tables is something you’ll have to do regularly as a server, it’s important to learn how to do it without fumbling.

Hospitality consultant and educator Kate Edwards explains the best way to clear a table without interrupting your guests in this online lesson.

What you'll learn in the How to clear a table lesson

  • What to clear and what to leave on the table
  • How to clear tables by following proper restaurant etiquette
  • What not to do when clearing a table

Who the Table service fundamentals course is for

Servers, it’s time to learn the skills you need!


Kate Edwards

Kate Edwards is a hospitality consultant with over 30 years of experience in the industry and an educator at two of New York's top hospitality institutions.

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