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Lesson details

Outstanding service relies on learning the best serving etiquette and understanding why it matters. Wherever you find yourself working, you can guarantee that knowing the tried and true practices of the hospitality industry will be a massive benefit to your career – not just to help you provide great customer service, but to help you be more efficient and confident on shift as well!

Hospitality consultant and educator Kate Edwards show you how to serve food to your customers without a glitch in this online lesson.

What you'll learn in the How to serve food correctly lesson

  • How to serve food correctly by ‘Hugging the Guest’
  • The proper etiquette for food service at a table and at a banquette
  • How to prepare yourself to serve food correctly, from the kitchen to the dining room

Who the Table service fundamentals course is for

Servers, it’s time to learn the skills you need!


Kate Edwards

Kate Edwards is a hospitality consultant with over 30 years of experience in the industry and an educator at two of New York's top hospitality institutions.

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